
Lag luam wholesale OEM ODM Hom 2 Ib Theem Portable EV Charger Rau Tsheb Roj Teeb Chargers

Lag luam wholesale OEM ODM Hom 2 Ib Theem Portable EV Charger Rau Tsheb Roj Teeb Chargers

WB-IP2-AC2.1-10AS-B,WB-IP2-AC2.1-13AS-B,WB-IP2-AC2.1-16AS-B ,WB-IP2-AC2.1-32AS-B


Shorts: Txhawm rau kom muaj kev nyab xeeb tshaj plaws them nyiaj rau koj lub tsheb, cov khoom lag luam muaj kev tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb. Cov kev ntsuas kev nyab xeeb no suav nrog overcurrent detection overvoltage detection, undervoltage detection, to detection, and overheating detection. Cov khoom no kuj yog waterproof. Kev tiv thaiv cov dej ntws tawm muaj nyob rau hauv ob qhov tshwj xeeb hauv qab no: 30mAAC thiab 30mAAC + 6mADC
Daim ntawv pov thawj: CE TUV UKCA CB
Tam sim no: 0-32A
Lub Zog: 7.2kW
App Control: Yog, xaiv Bluetooth App
Kev Tiv Thaiv Kev Tiv Thaiv: RCD Hom A (AC 30mA) lossis RCD Hom A + DC 6mA

Kev piav qhia



Lub Hoobkas muaj zog

Khoom cim npe

OEM ODM Hom 2 Ib TheemPortable EV Chargeryog tsim los nrog kev cog lus siab tshaj plaws rau kev nyab xeeb. Kev sib koom ua ke ntawm ntau yam kev tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb, xws li kev tshawb nrhiav overcurrent, overvoltage detection, undervoltage detection, to detection, thiab overheating detection, ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb tshaj plaws ntawm kev them nyiaj rau koj lub tsheb fais fab. Nrog lub charger no, EV cov tswv tuaj yeem muaj kev thaj yeeb ntawm lub siab paub tias lawv lub tsheb thiab nws cov hluav taws xob muaj kev tiv thaiv thaum txhua qhov kev them nqi.

nthuav dav

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Yooj yim tswj fais fab
    Nrog cov neeg siv-phooj ywg nyees khawm rau lub hwj chim qhib / tawm thiab teem sijhawm them, lub charger yog siv zog ua haujlwm.

    Efficient Energy Management
    Coj tswj lub zog them nyiaj tau yooj yim los ntawm lub khawm intuitive zaub. Nws kuj tseem txhawb nqa kev sib txuas ntawm Bluetooth rau lub xov tooj ntawm tes, tso cai rau koj los teeb tsa cov nqi them thiab xyuas cov xwm txheej them nyiaj txhua lub sijhawm.

    Kev Them Nqi Them Ntev
    Tsim los tiv thaiv cov xwm txheej hnyav, EV charger boasts ib qho kev tsim kho.

    Ntau yam kev xaiv them nqi
    Recharge koj EV ntawm 3.6kW lossis 7.2kW, siv lub qhov (socket) txheem phab ntsa. Xaiv los ntawm ntau yam kev xaiv: 6A, 8A, 10A, 13A, thiab 16A rau 6-16A version, lossis 10A, 16A, 20A, 24A, thiab 32A rau 10-32A version.

    Flexible-Premium Cable
    Kev sib xyaw ua ke ntawm kev them nyiaj cable khaws kev hloov pauv txawm tias huab cua txias hnyav.
    Zoo heev Waterproof thiab Dustproof Performance
    Nws muab kev tiv thaiv zoo tiv thaiv dej txaws los ntawm txhua lub ces kaum ib zaug txuas nrog lub qhov (socket).

    Rated Voltage 250V AC ua
    Rated Tam sim no 6-16A / 10-32A AC, 1 theem
    Ntau zaus 50-60Hz
    Rwb thaiv tsev Resistance > 1000mΩ
    Terminal Kub nce <50K
    Nrog Voltage 2500V
    Tiv tauj Resistance 0.5mΩ Max
    RCD Hom A (AC 30mA) / Hom A + DC 6mA
    Neeg kho tshuab lub neej > 10000 zaug tsis muaj ntsaws ntsaws rau hauv / tawm
    Coupled Insertion Force 45 N-100 N
    Nrog kev cuam tshuam Poob los ntawm 1m-qhov siab thiab khiav-dhau los ntawm 2T tsheb
    Npog Thermoplastic, UL94 V-0 nplaim retardant qib
    Khoom siv Cable TPU
    Terminal Silver-plated tooj liab alloy
    Kev tiv thaiv Ingress IP55 rau EV connector thiab IP67 rau lub thawv tswj
    Daim ntawv pov thawj CE/TUV/UKCA/CB
    Ntawv pov thawj Standard EN 62752: 2016 + A1 IEC 61851, IEC 62752
    Warranty 2 xyoo
    Ua haujlwm kub -30 ° C ~ + 50 ° C
    Ua haujlwm av noo 5% -95%
    Ua haujlwm Altitude <2000m

    Workersbee yog ib lub chaw muaj npe nrov ntawm cov kws tshaj lij hom 2 EV chargers, catering rau qhov kev thov loj hlob rau cov kev daws teeb meem ntawm lub tsheb fais fab. Nrog rau kev cog lus rau kev ua tau zoo, kev tsim kho tshiab, thiab ntau yam, Workersbee muaj ntau yam kev them nqi uas tsim nyog rau ntau yam kev siv.

    Ntxiv rau lawv txoj kev cog lus rau kev ua tau zoo, Workersbee kuj tseem ceeb txog kev nyab xeeb. Lawv cov chargers tau nruab nrog cov yam ntxwv kev nyab xeeb siab heev los tiv thaiv ob lub tsheb hluav taws xob thiab cov neeg siv. Qhov no suav nrog cov yam ntxwv xws li kev tiv thaiv overvoltage, kev tiv thaiv overcurrent, thiab kev tiv thaiv luv luv.

    Workersbee qhov kev mob siab rau cov neeg siv khoom txaus siab yog pom tseeb hauv lawv cov kev pabcuam tshwjxeeb rau cov neeg siv khoom. Lawv muab kev txhawb nqa sai thiab txhim khu kev qha kom ntseeg tau tias lawv cov neeg siv khoom tau txais kev them nyiaj tsis sib haum. Txawm hais tias nws teb cov lus nug lossis daws cov teeb meem, Workersbee cov neeg paub thiab cov phooj ywg yeej ib txwm npaj los pab.

    paub meej paub meej2 cov ntsiab lus 3 cov ntsiab lus 4 cov ntsiab lus 5cov ntsiab lus 6